Small Business Q & A with Coconut Whisk [Alyssa In Minnesota Blog]

I had the awesome opportunity to  be interviewed by Alyssa In Minnesota, a local blogger who focuses on sustainable fashion, mental health aaaand pretty much everything that I love (yoga, dogs etc etc). We got to talkin about Coconut Whisk and I go pretty in depth about running a business and the challenges I’ve faced. I hope this interview inspires you to take action and stay persistent, no matter how difficult things may be. 


Small Business Questionnaire 

  • What is the name and location of your business?

Coconut Whisk Baking Co., We are located currently in Mankato but plan on relocating back to the Twin Cities within a few months. We are also going to be an online company so you could say that we’re nationwide (;

  • What type of business is it? Please be specific in your description. 

Coconut Whisk Baking Co. is a vegan & allergen friendly baking mix company who gives back to animal sanctuaries. We offer five products (pancakes, cookies and brownies) that are gluten-free, dairy free, nut free and egg free. We also plan on being completely soy free within this year. 

  • Why did you choose this type of business? Specifically, why did you choose to start a small business in your industry? 

As a passionate vegan who values inclusiveness and community, I wanted to create a company that I knew would be beneficial and impactful. 

We offer more options to those who have certain dietary restrictions or lifestyle choices. I chose to be in the food industry because after some trial and error with other industries, I found myself the most excited about this idea. Therefore, I committed to bringing the vision for Coconut Whisk to life. 

  • How long have you been in this specific business?

I had the idea for Coconut Whisk on January 10th, 2018. We haven’t “launched” but with the grand opening of our website ( on May 22nd, that’s when we can say that we are officially open for business 🙂 ! 

  • Do you have any previous background in this type of business?

I don’t, to be honest. I don’t even have a business degree. But I’m being strategic about the mentors I bring in and taking wise action steps.

  • What makes your products unique?

We are a bold vegan company that focuses on being approachable and inviting. There’s a lot of brands that are either gluten-free only or they simply don’t market their products as vegan. But we wear that hat with pride. Our ingredients and recipes also give us an edge because there’s nothing like it on the market (as far as we know). 

  • What challenges did you face while starting up your business?

Everything is a challenge haha. But I think that’s part of the fun. Starting a business keeps you always learning and extremely humble. You have to reach out to people who know more than you and be willing to listen. 

  • What challenges do you continue to face within your business?

Since Myles and I are equal partners in this, the challenge that we both continue to face is creating barriers around our work and personal life. 

I’ve heard the positive concept of work/life integration (incorporating both so that you don’t feel guilty when one is out of balance), but we still do our best to not allow our business to consume everything! We might make it look easy but there’s a lot of work behind the scenes that we don’t talk about. We are still figuring our roles and how to ensure that our relationship thrives from this business and not crumble from it. But overall, it’s been something that is putting so much passion and energy into our relationship and that’s something that I’m really grateful for. 

  • What are your biggest accomplishments with your business thus far?

It was really cool to win 1st place at the Big Ideas Challenge in the Ag/Food/Bev category and winning overall favorite company in the Youth Entrepreneurship Fair at MSU- Mankato. But truthfully, I am most proud of our ability to bring the vision for Coconut Whisk to life. Seeing an idea that I had turn into reality and then be received well by our community has been THE most rewarding accomplishment. 

  • How do you think you impact others with your business?

Ahhh. I might have to humble brag for this answer. So here goes nothing. 

I think I impact others by showing them that you can literally do whatever you set your heart and intentions on. 

I don’t have culinary baking experience. I don’t have a business degree. I’m a 22-year-old gal who believes in her big dreams. 

That’s it. So if my story inspires someone else to chase their big ideas. That’s all the impact that I need to make with this business. 

Also, contributing to the animal sanctuaries that we pledge is how our business also makes an impact on the community. 

  • In general, how do you think small businesses impact individuals and society?

 Humans are community centered. At the heart of everything is an entrepreneurial individual who created something out of nothing so that they can share it with their tribe. 

Small businesses are all about people and that is what society is all about. Connecting with people and building something magnificent, together. 

  • Do you think shopping in or with small businesses is becoming more of a trend? Why or why not?

Oh yes! I think that more and more people are becoming more conscious and aware of where their products come from. Why support the faceless big brands, when you can support local and have the community that comes along with it?

It’s a no brainer : )

  • Why do you think it is important for individuals to shop small businesses?

I had a conversation the other day with a mentor and he told me the reasons why he buys all his supplies locally is that by buying from local, you are supporting a family directly. 

You are part of their story. You have their backs and they’ll have yours. There’s no better deal than that. 

  • Overall, if you had any advice for upcoming entrepreneurs about starting their own business, what would it be? 

If it feels right. If you get that tingly feeling in your body at the sheer thought of the idea. Say “YES” and move forward with it. Write out big goals then break it down into actionable steps. There’s people out there who are willing and ready to help you. It starts with you first though so take that leap of faith and chase your dreams, my friend.


And that concludes this interview! THANK YOU Alyssa for putting me in the spotlight and allowing me to share our story!

community over everything,
