Advice And Resources on How To Start A Blog

So you’re ready to start a blog I hear?

I surprisingly get many questions about how to start a blog (which is so incredibly humbling!). Even though my blog is under a year old and it’s quite new, I do have a little advice and tricks up my sleeve that will help you with your blogging journey. In this post, I’ll include resources on the technicalities of building a website but I’ll mainly focus on the mindset you’ll need to build and run a blog.

3 Things that you must cultivate when starting a blog:

1. Your why

You must have a reasoning behind your blog . It doesn’t need to be anything dramatic. Your blog might not end up saving the world but if the challenge seems exciting to you, go for it. Maybe you love fostering dogs and want to share your love of it. Maybe you love whales and want to document your sightings— whatever it is, own it and share it up!

2. Ways to stay organized

Staying organized is the #1 reason I am able to keep my sanity. I could write forever about this but here’s the shortened version. When you’re just starting out, it seems like you have a million and one things to do. The way to focus on what’s important is to prioritize and schedule everything out. At the beginning of each month (I use a calendar dedicated to my content/blog only) to write out days where I’ll write, edit, film, post etc etc.). I then do my best to stick with the schedule with some flexibility of course. For me, I write content on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I do most of the writing and creation. Sunday is the day where I organize the week and finish up any last-minute tasks. Find what works for you and if you have anymore questions about how to stay on top of your content calendar, feel free to ask in the comments : )

3. A patient and persistent mindset

This one is so important to cultivate. Remember that blogging and creating a brand for yourself is a process. It’ll always be a process and that’s the fun part. It’s always the journey that matters so enjoy it as you go. There’s no guarantee for success and you might not even make money, but that’s not what it’s about. It’s about letting your ideas out and sharing it with other people. It’s about finding community and possibly impacting others with your work. It’s about living the creative life that you’re proud of. To do this, you have to devote yourself to this craft of blogging and stay patient. Don’t take it too seriously and allow this to transform you into the person you’re meant to be— someone who’s brave and giving.

Other Practical Advice:

  1. Have an idea of what you want your blog to be about. Do your best to niche down to a certain topic. But if you don’t know, just start broad and narrow it down as you figure out what you’re most passionate about.
  2. Use blogging as the hub for all your other creative endeavours. My blog has motivated me to start my youtube channel, online shop, active instagram and freelance photography page. It all about diversifying.
  3. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other people or companies to do a collab with you. If it’s a company, let them know why you love their products, what you can offer them and ask them how you can work with em. Collaborating with other bloggers on giveaways and posts are also a fun ways to build community.

Resources that can help you get started on a blog:

*I would do this in order if you can. BUT the most important thing is to get STARTED. Clarity comes from action, not thought!

  1. Bangin Blog Business Plan By Melissa Griffyn
    “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail!”- the coolest OG, Benjamin Franklin
    Write down your ideas and get things in order! This will make your blog’s purpose so much more clear and intentional. And remember, nothing is set in stone so don’t be afraid to evaluate and adjust every quarter 🙂
  2. How to Start a Food Blog
    Love this easy to follow post by Kate. 10/10 recommend checking either this list or the list down below by Sweet Simple Vegan.
  3. How to Start a Blog By Sweet Simple Vegan
    This is a really straight forward and easy guide on how to start-up a blog! Plus it’s from one of my favorite vegan recipe developer!
  4. How I Made 40k in a Year from Blogging From Chelsea’s Messy Apron
    I’m currently reading through this ebook but it’s SO in-depth and practical. I love how clear and honest Chelsea is! She does food bloggin but I think this could apply to any area.
  5. Food Blogger Pro Podcast
    I’ve been obsessed with this podcast lately because of the insights and tips for building a brand and blog is priceless AND the hosts are from the Twin Cities! #mnlove
  6. MPLS + St. Paul WordPress Help Meetup (FREE)
    I found out at the conference that MPLS offers meetups where anyone who’s working with WordPress can get free help from experts! That is g o l d because building my website, on my own, from the ground up got overwhelming real quick.. so I say take advantage of this resource when you’re starting out!
  7. Youtube Videos! Watching tutorials is how I built my website. I found one that literally took me step by step using the Sydney theme to build my blog.


Ahh, I wish you nothing but success with your new adventure. I believe in you and your abilities to bring your ideas to life—

lotsa love,
