Top 5 Things I’ve Learned From My 4 Years of College || Advice For Those Going Back To School

It’s back to school season my friends! In this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you the things that I’ve learned in the past 4 years in college and from my previous life as a student 🙂 

Alarm clocks are set. Mornings are a bit less easygoing and a wee bit more rushed. The smell of fresh school supplies are everywhere. There’s a shift hap

This year, however, I’m not going back to school. 14+ years of being in school finally came to an end for me last May. As sad and gloomy as that sounds, I’m also really happy for this next chapter in my life.

But I’m not leaving all my folks who are still in school hanging. Today, I’m sharing with you the top 5 things that I’ve learned as an undergrad (or an academic student in general). Along with the basics like be organized, focus on developing yourself, being smart about who you surround yourself with and actually using your planner, I wanna dig deep a little deeper than that.


  1. The only person you should try to impress is … YOURSELF

I know it’s easier said than done but I truly hope that what you CHOOSE to do everyday makes you proud when you get home and lay in bed. I say, make it a routine to ask yourself this at every night “am I genuinely and mostly happy with what I did today?”. If the answer is no, then that might mean that it’s time to find a new crew, an energizing hobby or something. This first lesson is mostly about peer pressure. Don’t surround yourself with those who you KNOW are toxic to your aspirations and goals or heck, especially self confidence. There are others out there who enjoy things that you do, and it doesn’t have to involve drinking or partying or whatever. It’s a part of growing up yes, I absolutely agree. But it’s also not a place to stay in or continue on if you know that in your heart, it’s only making you feel like shit. Same with grades ect ect. No external source has the right to dictate your worth. You don’t need outside validation. You are a walking, talking miracle~ right in this exact MOMENT.

2. Know that you’re worthy, capable and deserving

The feeling of self worth is everything. In school, I didn’t feel worthy. I didn’t feel worthy when I made it on the varsity dance team in my Sophomore year of HS. I didn’t feel worthy enough to say no. To stand up for myself. I didn’t voice my opinions. I didn’t feel smart enough for Spanish class. I tried to not make a lot of noise. I simply didn’t have the confidence. This is something that I’m still working on. Confidence comes from experience and developing habits that elevate your mind, body and spirit. I make it a priority to do things that will challenge me and help me rise up to my next level. When I overcame a difficulty, I gain confidence and with confidence, you can move mountains. And if all else fails. Fake it til you make it. You dont need to have it all together, do your best and believe in YOU.


3. It’s not that serious

Ahh. This mantra would’ve saved me a lot of tears, heartbreaking nights alone at the library, stress, anxiety and all the other fun emotions. If I realized this earlier, I wouldn’t have been so hard on myself when I failed to go above and beyond my expectations. I would’ve spent more time having fun, instead of rushing through my days~ anxious for the next thing. Also, it’s not about doing everything perfectly and memorizing the different organs of your body perfectly. It’s not really about the textbook stuff (for me at least). It’s about developing the skills and discipline that’ll help me reach my goals later in life. Ya feel?


4. Don’t over schedule 

In my freshman year of college, I tried to do everything and anything under the sun. I wanted to “soak in” all the glory that this first year had to offer. And I did it for a few years after. But I got burnt. Like to the point where, my health declined, I put on a few pounds and boom~ I was miserable. So to help prevent that for you my friend, I want you to be selective with what you choose to add on your schedule. Make sure it’s aligned with your big vision. That it makes you feel good to do it (I know that some things you HAVE to do but you get what I mean). The years go by fast, slow down enough to enjoy it.


5. Say yes to big ideas, light bulb moments and anything that you know will uplevel you

To put it simply. Step outside your comfort zone. You’ve heard it before but I’m here to gently remind you again. Those ideas that light up in your heart and head? The things that excite you by just the sheer thought of it? Pursue it. With passion and urgency. Ride it out and if it doesn’t work out… OH WELL. You’ve gained experience and more insight. Win/Win. When I had the idea for Coconut Whisk. I didn’t sit on it for a week thinking about if it’s a valid or even “logical” idea. I looked myself in the mirror, stretched my neck and rolled my sleeves up. In summary, I got to work. And answers came up and solutions presented itself along the way. And it was the best YES that I’ve made thus far. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve failed at many things but never did I have a regret about saying yes to anything. So take charge and get moving on your big ideas! The world is waiting for your gifts.


That concludes it! I genuinely hope that you have the best school year ever. Remember, the days are long but the years are short. You won’t die over failing an exam. Or not being the perfect student. Take care of yourself and make sure that YOU’RE happy. Challenge yourself but also put your health and mentality as top priority. Looking back, the things that I made a big deal out of, really turned out to be EXTREMELY small in the grand scheme of life. Enjoy this chapter as much as possible. Before you know it, you’ll be off changing the world and doing things that set your heart on fire.

with love,
