How To Reflect + Set Personal Goals For 2020!

Besides sleeping in on weekend mornings, there is nothing I love more than the first day of a new year! This is not just any new year either… we’re entering into a fresh decade! For 2020, I’m letting you in on what I’ll be doing to reflect and set my goals & intentions. I’ll keep it short (as much as I can!) and simple. Feel free to skip parts or make it your own. You don’t have to do everything on this blog post, just follow whatever speaks to you. Even if you decide not to set any goals, I hope you at least spend some time reflecting on the past year and create intentions for what you want to experience and create in the new year. This can be simply a sheet of paper that you write your goals on for 2020 and tape to your wall 🙂

Now, let’s dive in!

Whether you’re a seasoned goal setter or you simply like to write down your top three things on a post-it note, find something that works for you. My methods of goal setting might not be right for you but I want to share my process so that maybe you can use or implement some of them into your strategy. 

My friend, you’re in good hands. As someone who understands how overwhelming goal setting can be (there’s just so much information out there!), it can be daunting. But after 5 years of research and a crazy obsession with goal setting. I picked out the BEST and simplest strategies so that you can make your dreams come true this year. I didn’t launch a food business at 22 years old and speak on stages in front of hundreds because of luck. It happened because I put intention and effort into planning and preparation. Yes, go with the flow for certain aspects of life but 80% of time, put some thought behind your dreams. If you don’t give direction to your life.. who will?

“Luck is when opportunity meets preparation”

I like to call myself a hybrid goal setter. Since I’m multi-passionate, it’s no surprise that my method of goal setting involves using ideas from different sources and people. And

Every year I like to refine my goal planning strategy and get rid of anything that doesn’t help and add in any templates that I find helpful. 

But what doesn’t change is the fact that I use my Google drive account and have a saved powerpoint (google slide) where I leave all my reflections and goals. Again, some people might prefer writing it out in a journal or board but for me, I love the idea of having all the goals in one solid place. A place that I know will not get lost amidst the chaos of life. It’s easy for me to look up and keep open on my desktop, too. So I highly recommend that you do that! Plus, it’s really fun to be able to read goals in the previous years that I made. 


Also, I like to spend a whole day (8 hours) doing work on my personal goals. For example, I’ll take myself on a nice date to either the library or a local cafe. There, I’ll dive deep into setting my goals and intentions for the new year! But before that date with myself, I like to prep a week or two before. I write out and organize anything I need to so that I don’t waste precious time when I’m at the cafe. Let’s get into the nitty gritty! 

Methods I will be using (organizing through google docs):

Reflection work .. I put my answers all on my Google Slides~

So first off; before I dig deep into setting goals. I like to review my previous year. It’s the last time I’ll think deeply about last year, so I make it count. I ask & answer myself these three questions on a dedicated slide on google:


During this time, I also like to see look back at some reflections and goals that I made in the past with a grateful heart. To have the power of hindsight and perspective, it really brings a lot of gratitude into my heart. 

  1. What did I do, create or experience this year that I’m really proud of? How about the past 10 years? Big and little things. Write it down! We are too critical of ourselves. Go into the new year with energy! Look through your planner/calendar for ideas! Focus on the memorable experiences that helped you FEEL inspired, connected, accomplished, happy and fulfilled. Next, circle your most important moments that really impacted your life. The ones that moved the needle for you.
  2. What mistakes did I make that taught me something? What lessons did I learn that I can leverage? Really important. How can I make my mistakes valuable? Do this for your past year and 10 years. This helps you understand how you want to spend the next year and beyond.
  3. What am I willing to let go of? Things that have been hanging around that you don’t truly need. Goals, projects, commitment, etc. declutter inside, resentments, anger, guilt, shame, embarrassment, mindsets. What are the stories that no longer serve you?


This is another way to think back and start the process of creating a better habit or routine for the future. This is an exercise that I adopted from the one and only, Tony Robbins. I’ve been doing this for a few years and for this exercise I really think about the HABITS that I want to implement that will get me to my next level. This practice helps get my wheels turning for when we really dive into the good stuff 🙂

  1. Name an area of your life you want to be improved and describe what that area is like. Be specific. I pick 4 but you can choose as much as you’d like. Family, Friend, Partner/Love, Spiritual, Health, Financial, Professional/Business, Learning, Experiences, Mission. Ex. Finances. Ex. Right now, I feel like if I had an emergency, I wouldn’t be able to pay for it.
  2. Name the rituals that have put you there. Ex. Not setting an automated deposit into my savings account every month.
  3. Be specific about what you what. Ex. I want to have a healthy savings account for unpredictable expenses.
  4. What are the rituals that will get me there? Can do specific time and consistently. Ex. I will open up a savings account and add money to it monthly.

Again, do this for as many areas as you’d like.  


Now; that was a lot of work! But nice work and hang in there! Now, flip to a new page or if you’re using a powerpoint (like me) then create a new slide. We’re going to create actual goals!

  1. Write out what your dream life would look like in the next 10 years. How will you do this? It’ll take some visualizing. Find a cozy spot you love, get still and close your eyes. Think about how you want to feel. Setting goals for me isn’t about accomplishing the actual goal anymore, it’s now about the feelings that I want to cultivate. I want to feel love, abundance, joy, connection and peace in everything that I do. So I create goals that align with those feelings. Think about the feelings that you are hoping to gain then create dreams/goals based on those. For me goals are fluid, they can change. What doesn’t is how you want to FEEL. So it’s important that you ground yourself in those desired feelings. After a few minutes; write down everything that you can think of when you visualize your best self in 10 years.
  2. Next, with your 10-year vision in mind, write out 10 goals for 2020. THIS IS THE FUN PART SO GET JIGGY WITH IT! IMPORTANT: Write it as if it’s already happened! For example, I visited a serene yoga retreat in California with Myles. Each goal should address different categories of your life. For example:
    1. Family (immediate family, parents, children, siblings etc)
    2. Friends (your circle, peers, colleagues, acquaintances)
    3. Partner/Love (self-love, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife)
    4. Spiritual (inner peace, practice, rituals, meditation, prayers)
    5. Health (physical, emotional, mental, movement, habits)
    6. Financial (investments, savings, debt payoffs, knowledge)
    7. Professional/Business (side hustle, dream business, new initiative)
    8. Mission (your passion project, fulfilling activities, your service, legacy)
    9. Learning (new forms of art, courses, classes, education)
    10. Experiences (play, travel, home aesthetics, date nights)
  3. Lastly, you can now put those goals in a spot where you can see them every day or heck, make a vision board. If you want to go deeper (which I highly recommend), prioritize your goals. Which ones do you want to address first? Then for each goal, write 3-5 action items that will help you accomplish those goals. Put them on your calendar or planner, start implementing them and make your goals a reality!


  1. Write your TOP 3 most important goals. These are the things you want to focus on in 2020. Then write WHY and WHO you need to become to brign them to life. Meaning, what characteristics, skills, traits that you need to strengthen to get these done?
  2. Write a letter from your FUTURE YOU that you want your CURRENT DAY you to know.. share some wisdom and encouragement. Start with Dear ___.. I’d love you to start, I’d love to remember… etc

(thank you Marie Forleo for the inspo)



Desire Map. If you haven’t read or heard about this book. It’s about time, my love. This book transformed the way that I see goal setting. I love hitting big goals and numbers but what this book taught me is to really focus on the FEELINGS that I want to have during the process AND when I actually achieve a goal. It’s about choosing the kinds of feelings that I WANT over just setting goals. Because if you think about it… it’s not about the actual goal itself, but the feelings that come with it. How POWERFUL, right? Grab this book and give it a read in the new year. It’s real good stuff, feel free to skip the workbook until you’re ready for it but I highly recommend simply making it a nightly read to help keep you focused on your feelings in 2020🙂

  • As for planners, I’m using the Desire Map Planner for 2020. It aligns with the workbook and I’m excited to use this to organize and keep things tidy this year!

Now last but not least, I’ll be using Amy Porterfield’s Roadmap, for business planning and creating a separate google slide for it. I’ll be using this to reflect and set intentions for Coconut Whisk this year. Feel free to grab her freebie and use it for yourself!

When it comes to planning as a couple; I’m using Cultivate What Matters Couples Guide! I’m so excited about this and have heard really good things so I’m planning on doing this last before the new year starts 🙂 

Main point is that I use different methods but I organize it in google docs. I refine every single year and I do what works for me. Some years, I take things off, some years, I want to try different methods. But most importantly, I keep it organized in a powerpoint on google drive. 

That is all! Thanks for reading and I hope that helped! Please reach out if you have any questions! 

bring on 2020!
